Tad Custom Cue タッドキュー(TAD Cue)やその他世界のカスタム・キュー&ビンテージ・キューのマニア集まれ!
cue maker Tad kohara in the USA.Tad's Custom Cues:10533 Dale Ave Stanton(8101 Electric Av ), California 90680 United States.
cue maker Ernie Gutierrez or Ginacue in the USA.
Ernie Gutierrez:5424 Vineland Ave St North Hollywood, CA 91601.
Cue maker Yoshimura Cue in the JAPAN.吉村キュー
× [PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 ![]()
International Pool Tour News and Updates:
The first five tournaments of the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship Qualification System get underway starting Friday May 26, 2006. Entry to the first weekend events will be cut off some time on Thursday, May 25th. So if you are close to Cleveland, Raleigh (NC), Tulsa, Las Vegas, or Chicago, this is your last chance to enter one of these events. Entry fees must be paid in advanced. Absolutely no entry fees will be accepted at the door regardless of the number of players. Click here to visit the qualifier schedule for the remaining tournaments being held in the U.S. and abroad. You can also register on line at www.internationalpooltour.com or by calling the IPT at (847) 439-3438 during business hours (CST). Coming in first or second in the qualifier earns you entry into the IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship. Over $2 million dollars in prize money will be given away at the North American Open. First place is $350,000. More importantly, last place is $2000...even if you don't make a single ball! Also, any non-IPT member who places in the top six in the IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship will earn automatic invitations to play in the 2006 IPT Players Championship and IPT Masters Championship. Over $5 million in prize money will be given away at these two championships. For the complete payout schedules, click here. There are two entry fee levels for qualification tournaments. A full entry fee is $1000. All winnings earned at this entry fee level will count towards the top 100 Money List which wins you a 2007 IPT Player's Card. All 2007 IPT players are guaranteed $100,000! For more information on how this is earned, click here. The second entry fee level is $500. If you enter a qualifying tournament at the $500 entry fee level and come in first or second, you still are entered into the IPT N.A. 8-Ball Open Championship. However, you will only receive 50% of any prize money you win. Your prize money will not count towards the money list. If you place in the top six in the North American Open, you will still be invited to the IPT Masters and the IPT Players Championships. If you choose this $500 entry fee level, you will only receive 50% of any prize money you win. This qualifying system is designed to allow players from all over the world to enter tournaments without huge travel expenses and costs. It is also designed to weed out players who know that they have no chance in the tournaments. Finally, don't forget about the fantastic opportunities available to get involved. Each player who signs up for a qualification tournament can specify a referrer, or someone who signed them up for the tournament. Whoever it is that is the referrer, whether it be an IPT Player, Room Owner, Tour Operator, Pool League, Pre-Qualifier Host, or Individual, will receive a 10% commission of the entry fee (a $1000 entry equals a $100 commission and a $500 entry fee equals a $50 commission) AND a bonus amount equaling 10% of the prize money won by that player in the tournament in which they qualified to play. So if you sign up a player (you or your business must be listed on the entry form) for a qualifier and he ends up winning the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship and the $350,000 first prize, you will receive 10% of the entry fee for signing him up and a $35,000 bonus (10% of the prize money won)! Even if the player comes in last place, you would receive 10% of the entry fee for signing the player up for the qualifier and $200 more because last place in the tournament pays $2000 (10% of the prize money won)! Obviously, the more players you sign up, the better the chance you will have to make serious money. Simply print out a copy of the entry form and schedule which can be downloaded by clicking here. Make sure to print your name or business name (tour name, league name, etc.) and a way to contact you on the form as the referrer. Make photocopies of the form and distribute to potential players. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com PR ![]() ![]() ![]() |
TADマニア(タッド・キュー TAD Cue)
かれこれ約20年ビリヤードとの縁があります。と言っても20年間やってた訳では無く、 何年かやれば何年か休むの繰り返しで、 (^_^;)万年B級戦士です。 何とか勝率を上げるべく、 技術では無理なのでキューに頼ってみては如何なものかと考えたのです。 本気でオリンピック金メダリストを目指して! 史上最年長メダリストの夢は何年後のオリンピックか? ブログへのご意見お待ちしております。 「Pool」 ポケットがないと溜まらない。 「Players」 人々… うーん ポケットが有ると堪らない人々… 「PoolPlayers」(´∀`) ↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) マイミク宜しく! 勿論「TAD Mania」です TADマニア リンクフリーです(このバナーをダウンロードしてご使用下さい)
↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) ![]() ↑ IPT8ボール公式ルール ↑ IPT公式ホームページ ボウラードネットを登録する方は パケ放題にした方が…Good! ボウラードネットQRコード CS会員の皆さん参加しよう ![]() ![]()
↑ Billicket・ビリケット用紙 (右クリックで画像を保存して下さい) ビリケットの概要 ↑ ★大阪で産声を上げた新ゲーム! ◎BILLICKET・ビリケットの誕生秘話 ↑ プライベイトキューの盗難情報 こんなワッペンは?どうかな