Tad Custom Cue タッドキュー(TAD Cue)やその他世界のカスタム・キュー&ビンテージ・キューのマニア集まれ!
cue maker Tad kohara in the USA.Tad's Custom Cues:10533 Dale Ave Stanton(8101 Electric Av ), California 90680 United States.
cue maker Ernie Gutierrez or Ginacue in the USA.
Ernie Gutierrez:5424 Vineland Ave St North Hollywood, CA 91601.
Cue maker Yoshimura Cue in the JAPAN.吉村キュー
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International Pool Tour News and Updates
The International Pool Tour is about to kick off the 2007 Tour Card Qualification System. Here is your opportunity to secure a spot on the 150 player IPT 2007 Tour! The IPT is hosting qualification tournaments throughout the world starting this Friday! The top two finishers in each of these events will win an entry into the 2007 Tour Card Tournament where the top 50 players will earn a 2007 Tour Card. And, each qualifying player will also win free airfare to the tournament as well as a hotel room. No matter how many players enter each tournament, two players will earn spots in the tournament. Each tournament will be a Double-Elimination competition with races to ten. The Two players from each tournament who will qualify for the 2007 Tour Card Tournament will be the winner of the winning side and the winner of the losing side of the brackets. Players who place 3rd-6th will receive a free entry to another qualification tournament of their choice. IPT Rules, which can be read on line, govern each tournament. There is very limited space at each event so entries are based on a first-come, first-served basis. Do not miss this chance to play on the IPT tour by failing to register in time. On line registration is the only way to enter these events and the form is on the IPT web site www.internationalpooltour.com. Absolutely no entries will be allowed at the tournament; no money will be accepted at the events. And remember, each qualification round typically has the smallest and weakest tournaments in the first few weeks, so signing up for the early tournaments gives players the best chance to win. What is a 2007 IPT Tour Card worth? Every 2007 IPT Member is guaranteed a minimum of $100,000! By visiting www.internationalpooltour.com you can choose to register for one or more qualifying tournaments. Entry fees are $2000, although you can receive a 10% discount by being an IPT Members Club Member. Click here for details on membership. Once you enter on line, you will receive an emailed receipt. Shortly thereafter, you will receive an email which will contain all of the information you will need to know about the venues, dates, times, etc. We hope to see you on the tournament trail! You can also visit www.internationalpooltour.com to see tournament coverage from each of these IPT qualification events. Here is a list of the first ten tournaments to be held starting Friday; cutoff for entry is Thursday at 4pm (CST). TC-01 Champion Billiards- Fredrick, Maryland TC-02 Shooter's Billiards- Burnsville, Minnesota TC-03 Capone's- Spring Hill, Florida TC-04 Hard Times- Bellflower, California TC-05 Magoo's- Tulsa, Oklahoma TC-06 Wasa Biljard Café- Gavle, Sweden TC-07 Billiard Paradies- Pratteln, Switzerland TC-08 Riley's- London, United Kingdom TC-09 House of Billiards- Weert, Netherlands TC-10 Elbow Room- Oslo, Norway Best regards, Deno Andrews Chief Operating Officer International Pool Tour PR ![]() |
TADマニア(タッド・キュー TAD Cue)
かれこれ約20年ビリヤードとの縁があります。と言っても20年間やってた訳では無く、 何年かやれば何年か休むの繰り返しで、 (^_^;)万年B級戦士です。 何とか勝率を上げるべく、 技術では無理なのでキューに頼ってみては如何なものかと考えたのです。 本気でオリンピック金メダリストを目指して! 史上最年長メダリストの夢は何年後のオリンピックか? ブログへのご意見お待ちしております。 「Pool」 ポケットがないと溜まらない。 「Players」 人々… うーん ポケットが有ると堪らない人々… 「PoolPlayers」(´∀`) ↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) マイミク宜しく! 勿論「TAD Mania」です TADマニア リンクフリーです(このバナーをダウンロードしてご使用下さい)
↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) ![]() ↑ IPT8ボール公式ルール ↑ IPT公式ホームページ ボウラードネットを登録する方は パケ放題にした方が…Good! ボウラードネットQRコード CS会員の皆さん参加しよう ![]() ![]()
↑ Billicket・ビリケット用紙 (右クリックで画像を保存して下さい) ビリケットの概要 ↑ ★大阪で産声を上げた新ゲーム! ◎BILLICKET・ビリケットの誕生秘話 ↑ プライベイトキューの盗難情報 こんなワッペンは?どうかな