Tad Custom Cue タッドキュー(TAD Cue)やその他世界のカスタム・キュー&ビンテージ・キューのマニア集まれ!
cue maker Tad kohara in the USA.Tad's Custom Cues:10533 Dale Ave Stanton(8101 Electric Av ), California 90680 United States.
cue maker Ernie Gutierrez or Ginacue in the USA.
Ernie Gutierrez:5424 Vineland Ave St North Hollywood, CA 91601.
Cue maker Yoshimura Cue in the JAPAN.吉村キュー
× [PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 ![]() 改革開放を歌ってる割には… 意味不明なことを(^^;) 日本人で良かったですね。 補欠の決め方に少々問題ありでは… 僕レベルがとやかく言う問題ではありませんが。 皆さんはどう思われますか? IPT North American Open Update Breaking News The Chinese Government has rejected a travel visa for Liu Wei, so he has officially withdrawn from the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship. Wei was the winner of the qualification event held in Shanghai, China, just several weeks ago. Details about his VISA rejection are sketchy, but some points that were articulated from the Chinese Government stated that he has no significant ties to China in terms of wealth or marriage. Through his representative in China, Wei expressed sadness and disappointment in not being able to compete for China in this prestigious event. Wei's replacement is Lee Heuwagen, who was the second alternate on the waitlist to play in the North American Open. Heuwagen played in multiple IPT qualification tournaments. He was the second of only two players to place third in two North American Open qualifiers, a performance statistic that landed him in the number two spot on the alternate list. Heuwagen was called yesterday and told the news that he would be competing in the North American Open. He was very excited to hear the news, though he did state that he was disappointed for Liu Wei's unfortunate circumstance. The IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship starts Sunday morning, July 23, 2006. Match times are 10am, 12:30pm, 3pm, 5:30pm, and 8pm (Pacific) daily. Up to the minute results, pictures, stories, and other information will be available on line at http://www.internationalpooltour.com. Web coverage for this $2,000,000 event will be unprecedented in the world of billiards. The winner of this event will receive an historic $350,000 first prize! Don't miss any of the action. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour http://www.internationalpooltour.com またまた辞退選手が… 辞退するなら初めからエントリーせんでいいような? 体調不良や家族に何かがとかなら理解できるが… ↓ Due to "personal reasons" Mr. Pete Fusco has officially withdrawn from the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship. Fusco was very disappointed that he was not able to play in this event. He admitted that he "has practiced very hard for this event." Fusco plans to compete in the World Open. Fusco's replacement is Jeff Beckley, who was the third alternate on the waitlist to play in the North American Open. Beckley played in multiple IPT qualification tournaments. He had one third place finish in the NA Open qualification system, and played in four of the five weekends of the system. His high finish and multiple attempts placed him third on the alternate list and now on the tournament roster. Beckley was called just minutes ago and was told the news that he would be competing in the North American Open. His first reaction was "Are you kidding me?" He was very excited to hear the news. Beckley asked who he has replaced and expressed disappointment when he was told that it was Fusco. PR ![]() ![]() ![]() |
TADマニア(タッド・キュー TAD Cue)
かれこれ約20年ビリヤードとの縁があります。と言っても20年間やってた訳では無く、 何年かやれば何年か休むの繰り返しで、 (^_^;)万年B級戦士です。 何とか勝率を上げるべく、 技術では無理なのでキューに頼ってみては如何なものかと考えたのです。 本気でオリンピック金メダリストを目指して! 史上最年長メダリストの夢は何年後のオリンピックか? ブログへのご意見お待ちしております。 「Pool」 ポケットがないと溜まらない。 「Players」 人々… うーん ポケットが有ると堪らない人々… 「PoolPlayers」(´∀`) ↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) マイミク宜しく! 勿論「TAD Mania」です TADマニア リンクフリーです(このバナーをダウンロードしてご使用下さい)
↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) ![]() ↑ IPT8ボール公式ルール ↑ IPT公式ホームページ ボウラードネットを登録する方は パケ放題にした方が…Good! ボウラードネットQRコード CS会員の皆さん参加しよう ![]() ![]()
↑ Billicket・ビリケット用紙 (右クリックで画像を保存して下さい) ビリケットの概要 ↑ ★大阪で産声を上げた新ゲーム! ◎BILLICKET・ビリケットの誕生秘話 ↑ プライベイトキューの盗難情報 こんなワッペンは?どうかな