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cue maker Tad kohara in the USA.Tad's Custom Cues:10533 Dale Ave Stanton(8101 Electric Av ), California 90680 United States.
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Cue maker Yoshimura Cue in the JAPAN.吉村キュー
× [PR]上記の広告は3ヶ月以上新規記事投稿のないブログに表示されています。新しい記事を書く事で広告が消えます。 ![]() Rodney Morris of the United States of America is one of the players in the upcoming International Pool Tour challenge match "East vs. West II." Morris was the runner-up in the International Pool Tour's World Open, losing to pool legend Efren Reyes. Mr. Morris was gracious enough to take part in a short Q&A with IPT staff. Please take a few minutes to get to know one of the best players in the world. You can also read his prediction about the outcome of his match against Marlon Manalo on March 4th! The live match will take place on Tuesday, March 4th, 2008 at 9pm (eastern). The game is 8-Ball, and the first player to win fifteen games takes the match. Viewers can watch the live stream absolutely free by being a Basic Member of the IPT web site. We suggest registering early so that viewers don't miss the beginning of the live broadcast. Registration is simple and takes just a minute. There are absolutely no costs to become a Basic Member- This show is just pure pool for anyone who wants to watch two famous champions represent their respective countries. Become a Basic Member Today- It's Free! Also, please share this free broadcast with friends, family, and colleagues by forwarding this email to them. International Pool Tour PR ![]() Marlon Manalo of the Philippines is one of the players in the upcoming International Pool Tour challenge match "East vs. West II." Manalo was the runner-up after losing on the hill to Thorsten Hohmann in the International Pool Tour's North American Open. Mr. Manalo was gracious enough to take part in a short Q&A with IPT staff. Please take a few minutes to get to know one of the best players in the world. You can also read his prediction of the outcome of the match against Rodney Morris on March 4th! The live match will take place on Tuesday, March 4th, 2008 at 9pm (eastern). The game is 8-Ball, and the first player to win fifteen games takes the match. Viewers can watch the live stream absolutely free by being a Basic Member of the IPT web site. We suggest registering early so that viewers don't miss the beginning of the live broadcast. Registration is simple and takes just a minute. There are absolutely no costs to become a Basic Member- This show is just pure pool for anyone who wants to watch two famous champions represent their respective countries. Become a Basic Member Today- It's Free! Also, please share this free broadcast with friends, family, and colleagues by forwarding this email to them. International Pool Tour http://www.internationalpooltour.com/ ![]() EVENT REMINDER- The International Pool Tour "East vs. West" match, takes place live in only three days. On January 23rd, 2008, at 8pm (eastern), Francisco Bustamante (Philippines) will take on Corey Deuel (U.S.A.) in a race-to-fifteen 8 ball match. The live match will stream on the International Pool Tour web site. Meet the players here! Viewers can watch the live stream by being a Basic Member of the IPT web site, which is absolutely free . We suggest registering early so that viewers don't miss the beginning of the live broadcast. Registration is simple and takes just a minute. There are no costs to become a Basic Member- This show is just pure pool for anyone who wants to watch two famous champions represent their respective countries. Become a Basic Member Today- It's Free! Invite a friend, colleague, or family member to register and watch this great match. There is no easier way to promote the sport than to forward this email to friends, colleagues, and family members. This is going to be a great match. Remember, if you haven't already registered for the match, please do so early. International Pool Tour ![]() Reports from the Derby City Classic state that Francisco Bustamante has secured the 2008 "All-Around" Championship. The IPT congratulates Mr. Bustamante on this prestigious accomplishment. The Derby City Classic is put on by Diamond Billiard Products, the makers of the official IPT Table. On the 23rd of January, you will have the opportunity to see this great champion play live. The International Pool Tour presents "East vs. West," an IPT Challenge Match. Bustamante will face Corey Deuel, a top American Player. These two players have radically different playing styles, and they are going to clash live, on a free broadcast on the International Pool Tour web site. Meet the players here! The live match will take place Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008 at 8pm (eastern). The game is 8-Ball, and the first player to win fifteen games takes the match. Viewers can watch the live stream absolutely free by being a Basic Member of the IPT web site. We suggest registering early so that viewers don't miss the beginning of the live broadcast. Registration is simple and takes just a minute. There are no costs to become a Basic Member- This show is just pure pool for anyone who wants to watch two famous champions represent their respective countries. Become a Basic Member Today- It's Free! Also, please share this free broadcast with friends, family, and colleagues by forwarding this email to them. International Pool Tour ![]() International Pool Tour Challenge Match #2 "East vs. West" The International Pool Tour presents "East vs. West," the second IPT Challenge Match. The two countries that are represented in this challenge are both powerhouses in the world of pool. The United States of America has been one of the most dominant pool countries for over 100 years! However, the Philippines has produced many of the game's greatest players of the last 30 years. Both countries are represented by one of their legendary players. The two players competing in this match have radically different playing styles, and they are going to clash live, on a free broadcast on the International Pool Tour web site. Meet the players here! The live match will take place Wednesday, January 23rd, 2008 at 8pm (eastern). The game is 8-Ball, and the first player to win fifteen games takes the match. Viewers can watch the live stream absolutely free by being a Basic Member of the IPT web site. We suggest registering early so that viewers don't miss the beginning of the live broadcast. Registration is simple and takes just a minute. There are no costs to become a Basic Member- This show is just pure pool for anyone who wants to watch two famous champions represent their respective countries. Become a Basic Member Today- It's Free! Also, please share this free broadcast with friends, family, and colleagues by forwarding this email to them. International Pool Tour ![]() ![]() アメリカ(中央)2007年12月19日19:00、 日本時間2007年12月20日10時00分から下記WEBサイトにて、 ジョニーアーチャーとストリックランドの熱い戦いが生放送(無料)されます。 ビリヤードファンは必見の好勝負になることでしょう! 英語サイトなので登録が少々面倒かもしれませんが、 翻訳ページを開けて行えば十分登録可能だと思います。 フリーメールアドレスがあれば誰でも完全無料視聴可能です。 歴史の証人に貴方もなってみませんか? うふふっ(*゜v゜*) http://www.internationalpooltour.com/ 上記アドレスをクリックして、 中央フラッシュ映像(ジョニーアーチャーとストリックランド)の、 下にあるリンク(WATCH IT ONLINE FOR FREE!)をクリックして下さい。 そのページの中央にある「FREE REGISTRATION」のボタンをクリックすると登録画面に行きます。 名前とメアドとパスワード、あとは適当に住所や電話番号を入力するだけです。 登録したメールに「IPT Account Verification」が届きますので、 登録メールアドレスの承認・「Click here to verify your email address」をクリックして登録完了です。 ※メールアドレスの承認をしないと登録完了になりません。 完全に無料で視聴できるのは12月20日午前10:00(日本時間)からのこの試合のみで、 その他のアーカイブは有料登録しなければ視聴できません。 クレジットカードをお持ちの方は是非、ご登録下さい。 この値段でこの内容はかなりお得で素晴らしい夢の組み合わせばっかりです。 詳しくはホームページをご覧下さい。 ![]()
Dear IPT Members Club Member,
Thank you for your ongoing business and support of the Members Club. It is with pleasure that we announce a new phase of growth for the Members Club. Many of the long-awaited matches from the King of the Hill event are finally being completed and will start to become available for on-demand viewing. Since there are numerous matches, we have set up a poll that will allow you to have your say in which matches are completed and put in the members’ area first. If you go to our homepage www.internationalpooltour.com you will see the poll with a list of the first group of matches. Cast your vote for the match that you would like to see first. The poll will run through next week after which time matches will begin to be added for viewing. I hope that you cast your vote in the poll! Again, we thank you for your continued business. We anticipate delivering these new matches with regularity now that many are in post-production. Also, we plan to deliver some interesting new programming exclusively for the Members Club. You will be notified with any announcements well ahead of time. We are all very excited that the library of matches is expanding and hope that you will be too. Best regards, (This photograph : from the Web site of Nikkei. ) I wish you great happiness in your marriage. It is hoped forever that it is happy. ![]() 1963年、マサチューセッツ州生まれ。 消費者保護の立場で闘う活動家として全米で注目されている。 幼い頃から新聞配達や雪かきなどで生活費を稼ぎ、 大学には進学せず、車のセールスマンなどで生計を立てる… ってまさか僕の自己紹介では無いですよ! σ(^_^;)アセアセ... 生粋の日本人ですから。 ご存じの方も大勢おられますが、 僕は以前薬局・薬店の店長をしていました。 自分でも健康オタクで、 色んな健康食品を摂取し、 阪急32番街の会議室などで健康セミナーなんかを開催してました。 「薬局・薬店店長が語る健康食品の全て…」というお題目です。 そんなこともあり、 僕は煙草も吸ったことが有りませんでした。 健康だけが取り柄のマニアでした。 が、しかし そんな奴が昨年、急に発熱して緊急入院し、 数々の精密検査(2週間くらいの間)をして結果、 直ぐには原因がわかりませんでした。 でも担当の消化器科の主治医が素晴らしくカンの鋭い方で、 最後に一回循環器の先生に診て貰おうと、 検査に行き、 何と ||||||||||||||(* ̄ロ ̄)ガーン|||||||||||||||| 弁膜症で心臓の弁交換が今すぐ必要です。 一刻も早く手術しなければ死にます… って言われました。 ∑('◇'*)エェッ!? 今日は皆さんにとても素晴らしい著書をご紹介します。 よい子の皆さんは上記の人物紹介が誰で有るかは、 もうおわかりですね!(⌒~⌒)ニンマリ ビリヤード…心臓病…天職… 三拍子が同じ人間が~~~~~((((((ノ゚⊿゚)ノあぁ 何とも摩訶不思議な出会いです。 ケビントルード・KEVIN TRUDEAU ![]() ココの住人さんはご存じの方も大勢おられると思いますが、 年会費29.25$(3500円弱) 月々5.95$(700円弱) 合計10000円チョイ(一年間)の破格値で、 IPTの全ての試合がいつでも何回でも見放題です トーナメント開催中は生放送でご覧頂けます。 パソコンとネット環境さえあればいつでも誰でも簡単に最高品質の映像が見放題! 正直、他社にはもっと高額で粗悪な番組が沢山あります。 貴方ならどちらを選びますか? 更に名対決のDVD映像が50%OFFで入手可能(「会員特典」)! しかも、試合へのエントリーフィーの割引やIPTグッズの割引(10%~50%OFF)、 IPT観戦チケットのディスカウント、有名プレイヤーとの夢の対戦!?等々 ビリヤードファンには必見の特典が盛りだくさんです。 是非この機会にメンバー登録をお奨めします。 さあ今すぐ下記アドレスをクリックして下さい。 https://www.internationalpooltour.com/members/pc-39-6-ipt-members-club-become-a-member-today.aspx?IPTAffiliate=BX9RWGRW ※登録にはクレジットカードが必要です(VISAかマスター、提携でも可) 詳しくはお気軽にお尋ね下さい。 tadmania@gmail.com GoogleトークでもOK!但し、パソコン前に居る時に限ります。 IPTって(゚〇゚;)なぬ????? って方はブログ→右(マイプロフ)を見て下さい。 ![]()
International Pool Tour News and Updates
The International Pool Tour is about to kick off the 2007 Tour Card Qualification System. Here is your opportunity to secure a spot on the 150 player IPT 2007 Tour! The IPT is hosting qualification tournaments throughout the world starting this Friday! The top two finishers in each of these events will win an entry into the 2007 Tour Card Tournament where the top 50 players will earn a 2007 Tour Card. And, each qualifying player will also win free airfare to the tournament as well as a hotel room. No matter how many players enter each tournament, two players will earn spots in the tournament. Each tournament will be a Double-Elimination competition with races to ten. The Two players from each tournament who will qualify for the 2007 Tour Card Tournament will be the winner of the winning side and the winner of the losing side of the brackets. Players who place 3rd-6th will receive a free entry to another qualification tournament of their choice. IPT Rules, which can be read on line, govern each tournament. There is very limited space at each event so entries are based on a first-come, first-served basis. Do not miss this chance to play on the IPT tour by failing to register in time. On line registration is the only way to enter these events and the form is on the IPT web site www.internationalpooltour.com. Absolutely no entries will be allowed at the tournament; no money will be accepted at the events. And remember, each qualification round typically has the smallest and weakest tournaments in the first few weeks, so signing up for the early tournaments gives players the best chance to win. What is a 2007 IPT Tour Card worth? Every 2007 IPT Member is guaranteed a minimum of $100,000! By visiting www.internationalpooltour.com you can choose to register for one or more qualifying tournaments. Entry fees are $2000, although you can receive a 10% discount by being an IPT Members Club Member. Click here for details on membership. Once you enter on line, you will receive an emailed receipt. Shortly thereafter, you will receive an email which will contain all of the information you will need to know about the venues, dates, times, etc. We hope to see you on the tournament trail! You can also visit www.internationalpooltour.com to see tournament coverage from each of these IPT qualification events. Here is a list of the first ten tournaments to be held starting Friday; cutoff for entry is Thursday at 4pm (CST). TC-01 Champion Billiards- Fredrick, Maryland TC-02 Shooter's Billiards- Burnsville, Minnesota TC-03 Capone's- Spring Hill, Florida TC-04 Hard Times- Bellflower, California TC-05 Magoo's- Tulsa, Oklahoma TC-06 Wasa Biljard Café- Gavle, Sweden TC-07 Billiard Paradies- Pratteln, Switzerland TC-08 Riley's- London, United Kingdom TC-09 House of Billiards- Weert, Netherlands TC-10 Elbow Room- Oslo, Norway Best regards, Deno Andrews Chief Operating Officer International Pool Tour ![]() ![]()
Round 5
GROUP 79 K. Boyes F. Bustamante H. Hsia C. Deuel R. Morris D. Alcaide GROUP 80 R. Souquet M. Immonen C. Williams N. Feijen D. Orcollo D. Harriman GROUP 81 E. Reyes M. Hill T. Engert O. Ortmann D. Jungo A. Pagulayan いやあ流石マジシャン、エフレンレイズは強いですね! 今度はフィリピン勢か!? 日本が居なくなった今ではフィリピン勢に頑張ってもらいたいですね。 IPTのリアルタイム成績はココをクリックして下さい。 ![]()
その調子で!! World Open 8-Ball Championship Update Someone One Day Closer to $500,000! Round one of the historic $3 million IPT World 8-Ball Open Championship is officially in the books. Eighty players will not advance and will have to be satisfied with only $5,000. Click here to see who will advance to Round Two. Conditions seemed to be tougher today as the humidity began to build – maybe because of the noticeably larger crowds in attendance today. The moisture caused the cloth to slow down and the pockets to play tighter. There were more than a few rattled balls and plenty of frustrated players. It only gets tougher tomorrow as the remaining 120 players will each play every session and use all 60 tables. Click here to see the groupings for Round Two. The IPT has had professional sports photographers at work all day, and the online photo gallery is packed with over 1,500 pictures of the action. Click here for the photo gallery. The IPT’s exacting standards have yielded a few casualties today. Phenolic cue tips cut short the runs of Hall of Famer Ed Kelly and Sweden’s Tom Storm, who both were disqualified for using the banned equipment. At least five dress code violations cost players a total of $5,000. The IPT’s television production team was on the floor capturing initial round action, including the highly anticipated match between undefeated players Earl Strickland and Jasmin Ouschan. Earl did not disappoint the crowds with his antics, and Jasmin made it quite uncomfortable for him until he finally pulled ahead from a 6-6 twelfth game to win the match 8-6. Even if you can’t make it to Reno, you can still join in on the action because the official IPT Members Club has gone live! Starting Thursday, fans will be able to watch the tournament live online. Do not miss this chance to watch the action as players compete for the $500,000 first prize, or their share of the unprecedented $3,000,000 prize fund. Click here for details. Deno Andrews Chief Operating Officer International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com ![]()
World Open 8-Ball Championship Update
The action starts today, Sunday, Sept. 3, and all the players are in Reno for the $3 million World Open 8-Ball Championship at the Grand Sierra Resort & Casino. The winner of this historic tournament will receive an unprecedented $500,000 first prize! The World Open 8-Ball Championship is the biggest tournament in the history of the sport. Live coverage of the event including player stats, pictures, groupings, and more is available on www.internationalpooltour.com. In addition, starting Thursday September 7, live streaming video from the television table will be available! Don’t miss your chance to see this event live! The billiard glitterati from around the globe gathered for a player’s meeting that revealed some big news for the International Pool Tour. Some last minute changes in the line up have added Rudolfo Luat of the Philippines and Michael Schmidt from Germany. They will take slots vacated by George SanSouci of New York, who had to withdraw for personal reasons and the U.K.’s snooker great Ronnie O’Sullivan is out with a recurring ear infection. A change in the payout schedule means that every game makes a difference in the money – even if a player can’t advance to the next round, he can still move up in the payout. After the first round, players eliminated will receive payouts based on their rank within the eliminated group. Rank is determined by number of wins, first, then by game winning percentage and then the number of break-and-runs. In keeping with the IPT’s philosophy, this will ensure that every match, every game will be hard fought. While the IPT doesn’t use a shot clock, new time limits will keep the action moving along. In a given match, there must be three games on the wire by the 30-minute mark. If the game is lagging, a referee will watch the game to see which player is slowing things down. After an hour, there must be seven games, 11 after 90 minutes and 13 after two hours. After two hours, 15 minutes, the match over, unless the score is tied. This will deliver quick-paced action to the live broadcast audience. “We want every player to play every game with total effort and focus,” said Tour Director Deno Andrews. An IPT Web site membership will be able to watch the tournament live as it’s streamed over the Internet. Access to instructional segments and past tournaments along with many other benefits come with the IPT Web site membership at www.internationalpooltour.com. IPT founder Kevin Trudeau told an appreciative crowd that the tour is “ahead of schedule,” on all fronts. He had great news about television broadcasts: OLN Network, which will become Comcast’s Versus network on Sept. 25, will allocate a Saturday night slot in primetime for IPT broadcasts. Trudeau said that the IPT is in negotiations with broadcasters in Asia, New Zealand and Canada among others to pick up the IPT shows. Trudeau also announced that he’s received over 100 proposals for sponsorship from a variety of companies, and that Vonage and Dish Network have signed on as sponsors for this week’s tournament. While there was plenty of good news at the players’ meeting, there was some bad news, too. Andrews announced that the IPT Players 8-Ball Championship scheduled for Oct. 22 29 in London, England, has been cancelled due to problems in negotiations with the facility. However, the IPT will guarantee a minimum of $13,000 for the year for every player who plays in all the 2006 tournaments. The IPT will write a check to make up the difference. Finally, Trudeau announced that the IPT has entered into an agreement to be acquired by Ho Interactive, a new company started by casino owner billionaire Stanley Ho, who also owns online gambling site www.hocasino.com. Trudeau said that Ho Interactive will be taken public on the London exchange at some point in the near future. Players wrapped up practice on the 50 Diamond IPT-specified tables at about 9:15, ready for action to begin at 10 a.m. Sunday. Each tournament day will see five rounds of play, so check out www.internationalpooltour.com anytime throughout the day for the best tournament coverage in the history of the sport. Deno Andrews Chief Operating Officer International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com ![]()
Rico Dicks and Dave Matlock to fill two open spots in the World Open!
The International Pool Tour announces that Rico Diks and Dave Matlock have accepted the IPTs invitation to fill two open spots left by Hall of Fame legends Buddy Hall and Jim Rempe, who both dropped out of the World Open citing personal reasons. Diks, and Matlock, based on a number of criteria including their third place finishes in the World Open qualifiers as well as their high finishes in the North American Open ( click here for results). Both Diks and Matlock were thrilled to be invited to compete in the World Open. The official player groupings will be released at midnight (CST), Thursday August 31, 2006. Visit www.internationalpooltour.com for details. Deno Andrews Chief Operating Officer International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com World Open 8-Ball Championship Player Groupings Announced The International Pool Tour announces the official player groupings for the IPT World Open 8-Ball Championship. The tournament starts Sunday, September 3, 2006 at 10am in Reno, Nevada at the Grand Sierra Resort. This historic event boasts the biggest prize fund in the history of the sport. $3,000,000 is the total prize purse, and the winner of the tournament will win an historic $500,000! Here are the official groupings: 1 Hohmann, Thorsten 11 Alcano, Ronato 21 Deuel, Corey 31 Lely, Alex Moore, Steve Ellerby, Sarah Sigel, Mike Takami, Goh Jones, Loree Jon Catledge, Wayne Vickery, Howard Eckert, Ralph Kiamco, Warren Alcaide, David Wheeler, Adam Brienza, Paul Raney, Jim Kenniston, Mary Thornfeldt, Helena Sakai, Miyuki 2 Manalo, Marlon 12 Bustamante, Francisco 22 Adkins, Dee 32 Sambajon, Santos Williams, Charles Hybler, Roman Ortmann, Oliver Takenaka, Hiroshi Townsend, Scotty Wims, John McCready, Keith Gay, Leil Kennedy, Thomas Davis, Michael Schwartz, Larry Gallon, Brady Gonzalez, Rafael Crane, Wade Travers, Laurent Davies, Ben 3 Orcollo, Dennis 13 Pagulayan, Alex 23 Putnik, Ivica 33 Hundal, Raj Varner, Nick Becker, Kevin Engert, Thomas Breedlove, George Atwell, Glenn Kucharo, Jon Chohan, Tony Davenport, Kim Massey, Michael Bryant, Charles Drago, Tony Tourangeau, Stan Broadhurst, Jackie Alvarez, Frank Jakulj, Zlatko Czetli, Aaron 4 Reyes, Efren 14 Diks, Rico 24 Hill, Michael 34 Morris, Rodney Heuwagen, Lee Morris, Carl Hernandez, Frank Salvas, Luc Hofstatter, Gerda Watson, Gerry Beckley, Jeff Mckenna, Robert Bulunmaz, Oezer Reljic, David Furuta, Kazuo Butera, Louis LeBron, Mike Carter, Linda Leonardo, Gunnar Edey, Tyler 5 Souquet, Ralf 15 Owen, Gabriel 25 Feijen, Niels 35 Beaufils, Yannick Harriman, Danny Younger, Johl Hoa, Tang Garrahan, Theodore Basavich, Daniel Hopkins, Allen Calderon, Jerry Fisher, Allison Dominguez, Ernesto Robles, Tony Carvajal, Alejandro Hui-Kai, Hsia Keller, Ryan Mathews, Grady Chenman, Lee Di Toro, John 6 Stalev, Evgeny 16 Wu, Chia-Ching 26 Strickland, Earl 36 Putnam, Shawn Melling, Chris Melton, Jeff Ouschan, Jasmin Broxson, David Alcoberro, David Joyner, Cliff Storm, Tom Daulton, Shannon West, Dallas Chu, Hung Ming Acosta, Roland Holtz, Patrick Cernero, Michael White, Jimmy Fusco, Pete Saleh, Brian 7 Chamat, Marcus 17 Nevel, Larry 27 Immonen, Mika 37 Gallego, Ramil Juva, Markus Wetch, Jimmy Frank, Troy Butera, Sal Jungo, Jimitri Majid, Imran Nunan, Ben Petroni, Fabio Fisher, Kelly Van Boening, Shane Wiseman, Ronald Judet, Toni Friend, Bernard Goh, Tuan Kiat Minici, Joseph Martin, Ray 8 Peach, Daryl 18 Hann, Quinten 28 Kirkwood, Jason 38 Archer, Johnny Lohtander, Marko O'Sullivan, Ronnie Marquez, Marco Raybone, Neil Jones, Samuel Jones, Jeremy Macias, Johnathan Bartram, Christopher Eberle, Max Parica, Jose Facquet, Vincent Toshikawa, Akikumo Kutcher, John Laurance, Ewa Webb, Monica Roberts, James 9 Matlock, David 19 Lining, Antonio 29 Van den Berg, Nick 39 Boyes, Karl Schmidt, John Walden, James Groce, Brian Shaw, Jayson Kaplan, Joern Harrison, Philip Pascasi, Davide Montal, Edwin Fusco, James Santl, Stefan Incardona, William Dodson, Robin Jones, Tammie Manabu, Mori Gulyassy, Mike Colenso, Colin 10 Appleton, Darren 20 Martinez, Rafael 30 Tot, Sandor 40 Hatch, Dennis Potier, Paul Hunter, Bobby Okumura, Takeshi Schaar, Garrett San Souci, George Zimmerman, Michael Jahnke, Bernard Klasovic, Andreja Murphy, Austin Corr, Karen Di Liberto, Daniel Miller, Jason Amine, Ouahbi Franken, Aaron Kelly, Edwin Runnels, Ike Deno Andrews Chief Operating Officer International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com ![]()
IPT W.O.エイトボール日本予選がいよいよ明日から開催されます。 高校野球では惜しくも三重高校(地元松阪の高校)は一回戦敗退に… IPT予選は下記リスト中から2名が残り、 8名が敗れ去るという超過酷な激戦が予想されます。 高校野球で言えば県大会です。 甲子園(約5700万円)を目指して頑張って下さい。 野球でも一勝が中々難しい… 超高校級スラッガー達が軒並み消え去っていく。 田中雅明(KEITHANDY) 注 土方隼斗(MEZZ) × 高橋邦彦(MEZZ) ▲ 川端聡(ADAM) ○ 草野寿 大井直幸(FLANNEL) ◎ 奥村健 檜垣真也 利川章雲 銘苅朝樹(W.O.) 明日は甲乙付けがたい好カードが目白押しでしょう。 世紀の対戦です。 ま、しかし恒例の印を打っておかないと! イギリスの方は必見ですよ。 的中率は95%以上ですから(^_^;) ホンマは全員に▲付けときたいんやけど… ![]()
International Pool Tour News and Updates
The International Pool Tour Official 2006 Money List Rankings will be published on Monday August 7, 2006. Money List ranking criteria are as follows: Money won, if tied then total number of matches won, if tied then game winning percentage (W%), if tied then total number of break and run-outs, and if tied then total number of eight balls made on the break. The next event is the IPT World Open, which will be seeded based on the Money List rankings. The IPT World Open is just around the corner. This open event is the next tournament to contribute to the Money List rankings. The tournament is a 200 player tournament consisting of 150 IPT Tour Members and 50 players who can win their spots in any number of qualification tournaments being held around the world this month. Click here to learn more about how to enter and play in the World Open qualification tournaments. Don't miss this opportunity to get on the Money List and fight for a 2007 Tour Card - click here to learn why! Also, check out the latest action in the qualification tournaments by visiting the IPT's on-line coverage of these events at www.internationalpooltour.com. Best regards, ![]()
2006 IPT 第2戦 World Open 8-Ball Championship
WO-11予選 日本開催 2006年8月11日(金) ~13日(日) WO-11 1日券/P-コード 808-148 前売り/自由席・・・¥2,500 立見・・・¥2,000 当日/自由席・・・¥3,000 立見・・・¥2,500 通し券/P-コード 680-116 自由席・・・¥6,000 立見・・・¥5,000 WO-23予選 日本開催 2006年8月25日(金) ~27日(日) WO-23 1日券/P-コード 808-149 前売り/自由席・・・¥2,500 立見・・・¥2,000 当日/自由席・・・¥3,000 立見・・・¥2,500 通し券/P-コード 680-117 自由席・・・¥6,000 立見・・・¥5,000 詳しくはコスモさんのホムペで要確認!! ![]()
田原総一朗のpakuriではありません(^_^;) いずれにせよホーマン選手が優勝を果たして、 35万ドルもの賞金を獲得したというのが事実です。 この事をもう少し大げさに捉えて良いのでは無いでしょうか? JBC、JPBA共にアナウンスが無さすぎる! NBAに責任が有るのかもしれないが… 宇宙人の磯●さんが孤軍奮闘で頑張っておられるが、 業界がもっとサポートやバックアップを含めた協力や活動をしたら、 業界を盛り上げるには最高の材料ではないだろうか? 未だにIPTをしらないプールプレイヤーがこの日本に居るとするなら、 業界人としては失格ではないだろうか… 全国の玉屋にIPTリアルマネーのポスターが、 貼ってあっても可笑しくないとまで考える あえてこの場は厳しい苦言を呈しておこう。 せめてビリヤード屋の人間くらいは知ってるレベルが欲しいです。 ↑ 自主的に情報を仕入れて! このブログの住人さん達だけでも、 草の根を分けて布教活動に励んで下さい。 「ビリヤードは誰でも練習すれば100万ドル稼げるんだって! 特に速く走る必要もなければ、腹筋や背筋を鍛える必要もないし、 全世界の老若男女全ての人類にチャンスが転がっているんだって!」 あえて練習するなら語学くらいかな? まあそれも海外で揉まれれば自然にスラングまで身に付くだろう。 さあ息子や娘を持つプールプレイヤーの諸君! 明日からキューを握らせてセンターショットだ! ↑ 飽きさせない・諦めさせない事が大切だけど… これはサクラパパを参考に… ビリヤード・プール教を広めるために… 近い将来、日本のテレビでも金曜の夜7時から放映される事になるでしょう。 追伸 >ケビンさんへ このまま出来るだけIPTの存続をお願いします(^_^;) >他の大金持ちでビリヤード好きな方へ どんどんオープン戦を開催しちゃって下さい。 ![]() Congratulations on player Thorsten Hohmann and the victory! コダセイさんが言うように、 ゲームボール35万ドル(約4000万円) ってどんな感じなんでしょうか? 「え、へっへっへっ!ごちそうさん」て感じなのか? 競輪でも一着7000万って時の番手絶好って、 チビルというか脚が空回りするって聴きましたが… 最近は冷静にごちそうさんやって話も… ホーマンも色んな大会を経て、「ごちそうさん」なんかな? エイトボールの前の球辺りのプレッシャーを聴いてみたい… ホーマンほど色んな大会で優勝してると慣れてるんかなあ? 現生をみて初めて実感するのかも!? 誰か日本の方、頑張って優勝して教えて! 決勝戦の成績はココをクリック!! 追伸 ビリヤードをやる意欲が出てきた(^_^;) まさかIPTは目指しませんが… マーロンマナロには今度聴いてみよ(^_^;) あと1セットで4000万やった悔しさを… 2900万円の差はデカイでえ(>_<) Thorsten Hohmann Wins Pool's Biggest Prize! The most historic event in pool history has just concluded with Thorsten “The Hitman” Hohmann winning $350,000 for his double-hill victory over “Marvelous Marlon” Manalo. Complete with Michael Buffer announcing his trademark phrase, modified for the occasion to “Let’s get ready to rack ‘em!” the IPT’s first major event was an unqualified success. Two of the best players in the world performed in front of a wall-to-wall crowd, and the set was classy and striking. Manalo had chosen Jose Parica as he corner man, while Charlie Williams was in Hohmann’s corner. Empty breaks seemed to plague Manalo throughout the match, but the layouts were coming up pretty cut and dried. Both were playing fluidly—Manalo missed one combo attempt, and Hohmann rattled two balls, but everything came to a head when the score reached 6-all in the race to 8. Hohmann broke and popped the cue ball into the side pocket, and Manalo chose solids and ran out to reach the hill. However, he came up empty on his last break. Hohmann opted for stripes and played a perfect out, joining Manalo on the hill. The German showed no anxiety, just determination as he approached the table for the last time. He broke and made the 9 ball. With an easy layout, he had no trouble as he swiftly cleared the table, winning the final match 8-7. In doing so, he won the biggest prize in pool history, $350,000. Manalo earned $99,000 for his second-place finish. Tour founder Kevin Trudeau presented Hohmann with the money in a silver briefcase, as well as an enormous silver trophy. Calmly, Hohmann made a short speech, thanking Trudeau first and then praising the audience, his friends, his corner man, and his sponsors. “I wasn’t nervous at all, the entire match,” Hohmann reported. “I felt really confident, I had a good night’s sleep, slept eight hours, and woke up still full of confidence because of yesterday. I just enjoyed the match. I could’ve won even higher—I wasn’t nervous, I just took my eyes off the ball. Charlie [Williams] was there for me and said just do it, you’ve done it so many times this week, you can do it again. I had my chance, on that last run-out, my mom could’ve run out that last rack, it was so easy, so I’m thankful, and maybe it was my destiny.” The IPT’s next major event will be held September 2-10 at the Grand Sierra Resort & Casino in Reno, NV. First place will award a stunning $500,000, with a total prize fun of $3,000,000. Be sure to be there! Click here for tournament results, statistics, pictures, and stories from the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship! ![]() とうとう決勝戦までやってきました! 大会開始前に誰がマナロとホーマンの対決を予想し得たでしょうか? (ブックメーカーの掛け率はいくらなんだろう?) 最終、最後まで目が離せません(^_^)v 7/31 am6:00 (It starts at Japan standard time.) 決勝戦のリアルタイム情報はココをクリック!! Hohmann & Manalo Make It! It will be Europe versus Asia at the finals of the International Pool Tour’s North American Open 8-Ball Championship. “Marvelous Marlon” Manalo and Thorsten Hohmann "The Hitman", the last two standing out of the original two hundred, will play each other at 1 p.m. Sunday afternoon at The Venetian. Be sure catch game-by-game online coverage of this historic event. No one knew going into the day where they would end up when it was over, but Marlon Manalo looked like a sure thing as he amassed four wins and only one loss. Evgeny Stalev, Ralf Souquet, and Efren Reyes were slow starters and fought hard for the wins they put under their belts today. Hohmann also started off tentatively but came to a smashing conclusion. And Dennis Orcollo looked strong throughout, making it impossible to predict Sunday's lineup. Again, it all came down to the final round, where no one knew for certain if new Filipino sensation Orcollo or former world champion Hohmann would advance to play Manalo, who cemented his spot in the previous round, in Sunday’s finals. But when Hohmann scorched Manalo 8-1, it was a done deal. Orcollo matched up with Evgeny Stalev on the opposite table and struggled through, winning 8-5 over the streaky Russian. And, last to finish Saturday evening, Efren Reyes and Ralf Souquet had an epic hill-hill battle in which “The Magician” pulled off another win. While two spots remain unclaimed, four places were determined by Saturday’s matches: Stalev earned $40,000 for sixth place, Souquet took $50,000 for fifth, Reyes won $65,000 for fourth, and Orcollo received $80,000 for third. With the incredibly large difference of $251,000 between first and second places, both players will be playing at their very highest levels. Click here for tournament results, statistics, pictures, and stories from the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship! ![]()
Group 82←詳細はクリック!! マーロン・マナロ(フィリピン) ラルフ・スーケー(ドイツ) エフレン・レイズ(フィリピン) エフゲニー・スタリーフ(ロシア) デニス・オルクリオ(フィリピン) トースティン・ホーマン(ドイツ) 誰が勝っても可笑しくない様相を呈してきました。 しかし、レイズにマナロって奇人変人くらいに強いですね(>_<) スーケットもコンスタントに成績を残してるし…流石! でもジンクスで言うと、エフレンレイズですね。 初物食いの王者ですから…今回は賞金額が額だけに当たり前かあ(^_^;) ↑ ![]() ![]()
IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship Update
あのストリックランドをも精神的に追い詰めるIPTの試合… 過酷さが伝わって来ます。 「カッカとするなカッカとさせろ」 は何も麻雀だけの必勝法では無いようです。 でも一応(失礼)ホールオブフェイムナンですから… でも、ジダンの事もあるし、スポーツマンと言えど人間ですからね! 決勝まで目が離せません(^_^ The hatchet came down on half of the 36-player field after Thursday’s last round at the North American Open 8-Ball Championship. The brutal, five-round format killed off 18 players who earned $17,000 for their 19th-place finishes, while 18 remain to attempt to carve out a bigger piece of the incredible $2,000,000+ prize fund. In Friday’s rounds, players will be guaranteed at least $30,000 each for tying at 7th place. Of the 18 players to advance, 5 made it to the IPT’s multi-million-dollar event through qualifiers—Rico Diks, David Matlock, Rodolfo Luat, Ronato Alcano, and Larry Nevel! From the Filipino contingency, nine began the day, and seven are left. Not a bad average. Those that will not be returning are Santos Sambajon Jr. and Antonio Lining. “The Magician” squeaked by into Friday’s rounds by coming out ahead in the hill-hill bout he played against Mick Hill of the U.K. While running the table, Reyes came within a hair’s breadth of scratching after pocketing the 8 ball in the corner, eliciting a huge gasp and then a burst of applause from the substantial crowd. From Insidepool(インサイドプール様より) Earl Strickland engendered controversy during his second-round, televised match with Nick Van den Berg of Holland. Strickland made several comments to Van den Berg’s family members who were in the audience, and things escalated from there. In an interview later, Van den Berg called Strickland “a disgrace to the sport,” while Strickland was unrepentant, saying, “I know I’m a terrible person, but you still have to show me some kind of respect.” IPT Tour Director Deno Andrews is investigating the situation. Behavior that is deemed unsportsmanlike conduct can result in a suspension or loss of a Tour Card. Strickland’s day came down to a hair-splitting match with Ronato Alcano, who won the Manila stop of the ferocious 2005 San Miguel Asian 9-Ball Tour and celebrated his 34th birthday today. Though Alcano held an early 4-1 lead, from there it was every man for himself, and it turned out to be another nail-biter. In the very last rack, Strickland still had two object balls on the table but couldn’t make either of them. Instead of opting to play safe, he blasted them, and Alcano was able to run out (though he left himself an almost 45-degree angle on the 8!) for the win. Alcano advances, Strickland is eliminated. Click here for tournament results, statistics, pictures, and stories from the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship! 英文の訳とは関係ありません ↓ とうとうラウンド5まで来ましたね! 蒼々たるメンバーです(^^;) 流石、レイズ、ジャンゴって感じです。 ラウンド4の結果からも激戦が予想されます。 生で見たいですね(^_^)v 各6名3組でリーグ戦。 各組上位2名がラウンド6進出。 ラウンド5敗退は30,000ドル獲得。 Group 79: Quinten Hann、エフゲニー・スタリーフ、エフレン・レイズ、 ラリー・ネベル、Darren Appleton、ルドルフォ・ルアット Group 80: フランシスコ・ブスタマンテ、David Matlock、ダリル・ピーチ、 デニス・オルクリオ、ロニー・アルカノ、ラルフ・スーケー Group 81: マーロン・マナロ、アレックス・パグラヤン、トースティン・ホーマン、 マーカス・チャマット、ゲイブ・オーウェン、リコ・ディック リアルタイムの成績はココをクリック!! 観たいグループ番号をクリックして下さい。 ![]() |
TADマニア(タッド・キュー TAD Cue)
かれこれ約20年ビリヤードとの縁があります。と言っても20年間やってた訳では無く、 何年かやれば何年か休むの繰り返しで、 (^_^;)万年B級戦士です。 何とか勝率を上げるべく、 技術では無理なのでキューに頼ってみては如何なものかと考えたのです。 本気でオリンピック金メダリストを目指して! 史上最年長メダリストの夢は何年後のオリンピックか? ブログへのご意見お待ちしております。 「Pool」 ポケットがないと溜まらない。 「Players」 人々… うーん ポケットが有ると堪らない人々… 「PoolPlayers」(´∀`) ↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) マイミク宜しく! 勿論「TAD Mania」です TADマニア リンクフリーです(このバナーをダウンロードしてご使用下さい)
↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) ![]() ↑ IPT8ボール公式ルール ↑ IPT公式ホームページ ボウラードネットを登録する方は パケ放題にした方が…Good! ボウラードネットQRコード CS会員の皆さん参加しよう ![]() ![]()
↑ Billicket・ビリケット用紙 (右クリックで画像を保存して下さい) ビリケットの概要 ↑ ★大阪で産声を上げた新ゲーム! ◎BILLICKET・ビリケットの誕生秘話 ↑ プライベイトキューの盗難情報 こんなワッペンは?どうかな