Tad Custom Cue タッドキュー(TAD Cue)やその他世界のカスタム・キュー&ビンテージ・キューのマニア集まれ!
cue maker Tad kohara in the USA.Tad's Custom Cues:10533 Dale Ave Stanton(8101 Electric Av ), California 90680 United States.
cue maker Ernie Gutierrez or Ginacue in the USA.
Ernie Gutierrez:5424 Vineland Ave St North Hollywood, CA 91601.
Cue maker Yoshimura Cue in the JAPAN.吉村キュー
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勝者ベスト4: 土方隼斗(MEZZ) vs 高橋邦彦(MEZZ) 奥村健 vs 檜垣真也 敗者側: 草野寿 vs 菅谷慎太郎 川端聡(ADAM) vs 田口憲司(KEITHANDY) R・ガレゴ(KEITHANDY) vs ルディ・モルタ 翁長良行 vs 水下広之 セントラルレディースオープン 渡辺哉子 vs◎ 三浦陽子 山内公子(FOX) vs ◎高木まき子(ADAM) 曽根恭子◎(ADAM) vs 木本梨沙 夕川景子 vs◎ 李佳(ADAM) 梶谷景美 ◎vs 後藤律子 山口美智子 vs ◎並木咲子(MEZZ) 大谷晃央◎(ADAM) vs 福家美幸(MEZZ) 浜西由希子 vs◎ 宗田三佳 勝ち予想◎印(^^;)は独断と偏見で打たせて頂きました。 ベスト8(予想) 1①▲三浦陽子 2②○高木まき子 3③◎梶谷景美 4④※李佳 5⑤×曽根恭子 5⑥ 並木咲子 6⑦△大谷晃央 6⑧穴宗田三佳 ⑧車立てかあ? 難解やなあ? ④-⑤の折り返し ①-②の折り返し ③→⑧ ⑦→⑧ 気持ちは⑤の頭を流してあげたいけど…勝負はそんなに甘くないかな(^^;) IPTは今のところ予想通り、 残る二名は? ◎奥村Pと○土方Pの二名かな? 川端Pも入って欲しいけど…枠は二つやからなあ? PR
津市のオークランドCITYにて、明日は熱戦が繰り広げられる事でしょう。 さて優勝は誰の手に? 難しいねえ! 個人的には…オッと危ない危ない(^^;) 皆さんを応援してます。 優勝の方サイン下さいね そういえば伊勢中川の駅を宗田プロ(ゴッドドラゴン)が歩いてたのはちょっとびっくりした。 ああ!セントラルレディースやって思い出した(^^;) ↑ 別に他意は<(_ _)>←殴られる!?
利川章雲 アントニオ・リニング(KEITHANDY) 西嶋大策(W.O.) FUJIO TAGAMI 高見剛(TP&CC) 土方隼斗(MEZZ) 有田秀彰 HIROSHI TAKEHARA 水下広之 草野寿 山本久司(MEZZ) 田口憲司 鈴木清司 高橋邦彦(MEZZ) 望月雅文 檜垣真也 大井直幸(FLANNEL) ラミール・ガレゴ(KEITHANDY) ロエル・エスキリオ ルディー・モルタ 翁長良行 川端聡(ADAM) 菅谷慎太郎(TP&CC) 奥村健 向井照和 高野智央(ADAM) 丹羽示之 早瀬優治 高木悠次 蒼々たるメンバーやなあ! 皆さんがんばって下さい。 ビリヤード愛好家に夢と希望を。 ああ(T_T)観戦したかったなあ。 諸事情で観戦取りやめに(>_<) この際、JPBAやJBC等関係なく”日本・日本・日本”ガンバレ日本。 そうそう、ワールドカップも開催ですね頑張れニッポン。 ↑ 早いうちに皆さん獲らないと、私(タッドマニア)が頂きますぞ!?(^^♪
未だに一回も撞いていない(T_T)撞きたかったよー(^^;) お昼ご飯は洋食屋(オムライス専門店)の”北極星”さんへ。 大阪生まれの大阪育ちで難波界隈、特にアメリカ村周辺などは庭中の庭! の筈が…実は”北極星”さんへ行くのはこの日が初めて(^^;)
International Pool Tour News and Updates
The International Pool Tour congratulates the following players for qualifying to play in the "IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship" starting July 22nd, 2006 at the Venetian, Las Vegas: Michael Vidas Gandy Valle Jeff Abernathy Andreas Koukiadakis David Broxson Rodolfo Luat Sandor Tot Rico Diks Eric Hjorleifson Chris Orme After placing first or second in their respective qualifiers this past weekend, these players will be playing for more than $2,000,000 in prize money and a first place prize of $350,000, as well as a place on the Money List! Doing well in the North American Open could result in being in the top 100 on the Money List at the end of 2006, thus qualifying for a 2007 Tour Card. A 2007 Tour Card is worth a minimum of $100,000, click here for details. At the North American Open, these players are each guaranteed a minimum of $2,000 for qualifying and playing, even if they fail to win a single game. These players stepped up and won their way into an IPT event in the first week of qualification tournaments. The good news is that there are still fifteen events remaining over the next four weeks. This weekend's qualification tournaments are being held in the following cities: San Francisco, Pasadena (CA), Tokyo (Japan), Atlanta, Kalamazoo (MI). Click here to see the full schedule of qualification events for the North American Open. Click here to view tournament results from the qualification events that concluded last weekend. The IPT Qualification System is the best method for populating major tournaments because it weeds all those who don't think that they can succeed, while rewarding those who believe in themselves. Most of the players who took the risk to enter these qualification tournaments have now been rewarded. Remember, the top two players in each tournament qualify for the North American Open. The next four players, third through sixth place finishers, each earn a free entry fee to another qualifier. And four players who place seventh or lower will have a chance to play against an IPT Pro for a free entry fee in another qualifier. This system really is the only true "open" system in which any player, man, woman, or child, can enter and win a place on this historic tour. So if you were thinking about playing and missed your chance this week, you can still sign up for the remaining qualifiers at www.internationalpooltour.com. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity. International Pool Tour Television News IPT to Premiere on OLN The International Pool Tour has secured a major television package to air IPT's action-packed "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" series on OLN. The network is carrying the six IPT shows in prime time. The first show premiered last Sunday June 4th at 7pm (ET), and the remaining five shows will occupy the same time slot of 7pm (ET). OLN has scheduled several rebroadcasts; click here for the entire television schedule. The International Pool Tour's "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" features the world's greatest players competing for more than $1 million in prize money, by far the biggest purse ever offered in pool. The series will be shown on OLN over six consecutive Sundays, culminating in a two-hour finale on Sunday, July 9. Click here for the IPT TV schedule. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com
こんにちは!pool players からのお知らせです。
TADマニアさん があなたを pool players へ招待しています。 ―――― < TADマニアさん >からあなたへのメッセージ ――― やっふぉー!ブログ見てくれてる皆さん、全員登録しましょうね。 ビリヤードプレイヤーのSNS(ソーシャル・ネットワーキング・サービス)です。 ――――――――――――――――――――――――――――― 下記のURLから、会員登録(無料)を行うと、 pool players に参加できます。 ■ pool players に参加する http://ekitama.com/sns/ 上記アドレスをクリックして、新規登録してください。 TADマニアをマイフレンドに追加して下さいよ(^^;)
何回やっても勝たせて貰えません(^^;) 8エイトボールも9ナインボールも。 流石、勝負師には勝てんなあ! 上の映像はちょっと前にしたナインボールです。 「おやおやー、GooDショット!、遣られた(T_T)」終了! 一瞬、⑦ラッキーと心の中では…が、しかし…現実は甘く無かった。
IPT King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout Premieres Tonight!
The International Pool Tour has secured a major television package to air IPT's action-packed "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" series on OLN. The network will carry the six IPT shows in prime time, with the first show set to premiere tonight, Sunday June 4th, at 7 p.m. (ET), with a rebroadcast at 10pm (ET). In addition, several rebroadcasts have been scheduled throughout the weeks of June. For the full schedule, please click here. Don't forget to tune in to watch you favorite players battle it out in the most grueling tournament format possible! The International Pool Tour's "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" features the world's greatest players competing for more than $1 million in prize money, by far the biggest purse ever offered in pool. The series will be shown on OLN over six consecutive Sundays, culminating in a two-hour finale on Sunday, July 9. Click here for the IPT TV schedule. Other IPT Television News London UK (May 31st, 2006): The International Pool Tour has announced the most comprehensive live broadcast rights package in the history of the sport with its newly-minted deal with Eurosport, the leading tv sports network and multimedia platform throughout Europe. Eurosport and British Eurosport will show live, prime-time coverage of every round of all major IPT events in 2006. The Pan-European network will also air a number of produced IPT highlights programs, including the recent “King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout.” Plans call for approximately two hours nightly of live coverage. Click here to read the entire news release regarding this unprecedented live television tour coverage. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com
IPT King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout Premieres Tomorrow!
The International Pool Tour has secured a major television package to air IPT's action-packed "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" series on OLN. The network will carry the six IPT shows in prime time, with the first show set to premiere tomorrow, Sunday June 4th, at 7 p.m. (ET), with a rebroadcast at 10pm (ET). In addition, several rebroadcasts have been scheduled throughout the weeks of June. For the full schedule, please click here. Don't forget to tune in to watch you favorite players battle it out in the most grueling tournament format possible! The International Pool Tour's "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" features the world's greatest players competing for more than $1 million in prize money, by far the biggest purse ever offered in pool. The series will be shown on OLN over six consecutive Sundays, culminating in a two-hour finale on Sunday, July 9. Click here for the IPT TV schedule. Other IPT Television News London UK (May 31st, 2006): The International Pool Tour has announced the most comprehensive live broadcast rights package in the history of the sport with its newly-minted deal with Eurosport, the leading tv sports network and multimedia platform throughout Europe. Eurosport and British Eurosport will show live, prime-time coverage of every round of all major IPT events in 2006. The Pan-European network will also air a number of produced IPT highlights programs, including the recent “King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout.” Plans call for approximately two hours nightly of live coverage. Click here to read the entire news release regarding this unprecedented live television tour coverage. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com
International Pool Tour News and Updates
The second set of five qualification tournaments for the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship Qualification System is now underway! Up-to-date on line coverage starting today and going through Sunday, June 4, 2006 can now be seen at www.internationalpooltour.com. Click here to visit the qualifier schedule for the remaining tournaments being held in the U.S. and abroad. You can also register on line at www.internationalpooltour.com or by calling the IPT at (847) 439-3438 during business hours (CST). Coming in first or second in the qualifier earns you entry into the IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship. Over $2 million dollars in prize money will be given away at the North American Open. First place is $350,000. More importantly, last place is $2000...even if you don't make a single ball! Also, any non-IPT member who places in the top six in the IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship will earn automatic invitations to play in the 2006 IPT Players Championship and IPT Masters Championship. Over $2.5 million in prize money will be given away at these two championships. For the complete payout schedules, click here. There are two entry fee levels for qualification tournaments. A full entry fee is $1000. All winnings earned at this entry fee level will count towards the top 100 Money List which wins you a 2007 IPT Player's Card. All 2007 IPT players are guaranteed $100,000! For more information on how this is earned, click here. The second entry fee level is $500. If you enter a qualifying tournament at the $500 entry fee level and come in first or second, you still are entered into the IPT N.A. 8-Ball Open Championship. However, you will only receive 50% of any prize money you win. Your prize money will not count towards the money list. If you place in the top six in the North American Open, you will still be invited to the IPT Masters and the IPT Players Championships. If you choose this $500 entry fee level, you will only receive 50% of any prize money you win. This qualifying system is designed to allow players from all over the world to enter tournaments without huge travel expenses and costs. It is also designed to weed out players who know that they have no chance in the tournaments. Don't forget about the fantastic opportunities available to get involved. Each player who signs up for a qualification tournament can specify a referrer, or someone who signed them up for the tournament. Whoever it is that is the referrer, whether it be an IPT Player, Room Owner, Tour Operator, Pool League, Pre-Qualifier Host, or Individual, will receive a 10% commission of the entry fee (a $1000 entry equals a $100 commission and a $500 entry fee equals a $50 commission) AND a bonus amount equaling 10% of the prize money won by that player in the tournament in which they qualified to play. So if you sign up a player (you or your business must be listed on the entry form) for a qualifier and he ends up winning the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship and the $350,000 first prize, you will receive 10% of the entry fee for signing him up and a $35,000 bonus (10% of the prize money won)! Even if the player comes in last place, you would receive 10% of the entry fee for signing the player up for the qualifier and $200 more because last place in the tournament pays $2000 (10% of the prize money won)! Obviously, the more players you sign up, the better the chance you will have to make serious money. Simply print out a copy of the entry form and schedule which can be downloaded by clicking here. Make sure to print your name or business name (tour name, league name, etc.) and a way to contact you on the form as the referrer. Make photocopies of the form and distribute to potential players. IPT to Premiere on OLN The International Pool Tour has secured a major television package to air IPT's action-packed "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" series on OLN. The network will carry the six IPT shows in prime time, with the first show set to premiere at 7 p.m. ET on Sunday, June 4. The International Pool Tour's "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" features the world's greatest players competing for more than $1 million in prize money, by far the biggest purse ever offered in pool. The series will be shown on OLN over six consecutive Sundays, culminating in a two-hour finale on Sunday, July 9. Click here for the IPT TV schedule. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com NO.2 International Pool Tour News and Updates The second set of five qualification tournaments for the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship Qualification System is now underway! Up-to-date on line coverage starting today and going through Sunday, June 4, 2006 can now be seen at www.internationalpooltour.com. Click here to visit the qualifier schedule for the remaining tournaments being held in the U.S. and abroad. You can also register on line at www.internationalpooltour.com or by calling the IPT at (847) 439-3438 during business hours (CST). Coming in first or second in the qualifier earns you entry into the IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship. Over $2 million dollars in prize money will be given away at the North American Open. First place is $350,000. More importantly, last place is $2000...even if you don't make a single ball! Also, any non-IPT member who places in the top six in the IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship will earn automatic invitations to play in the 2006 IPT Players Championship and IPT Masters Championship. Over $2.5 million in prize money will be given away at these two championships. For the complete payout schedules, click here. There are two entry fee levels for qualification tournaments. A full entry fee is $1000. All winnings earned at this entry fee level will count towards the top 100 Money List which wins you a 2007 IPT Player's Card. All 2007 IPT players are guaranteed $100,000! For more information on how this is earned, click here. The second entry fee level is $500. If you enter a qualifying tournament at the $500 entry fee level and come in first or second, you still are entered into the IPT N.A. 8-Ball Open Championship. However, you will only receive 50% of any prize money you win. Your prize money will not count towards the money list. If you place in the top six in the North American Open, you will still be invited to the IPT Masters and the IPT Players Championships. If you choose this $500 entry fee level, you will only receive 50% of any prize money you win. This qualifying system is designed to allow players from all over the world to enter tournaments without huge travel expenses and costs. It is also designed to weed out players who know that they have no chance in the tournaments. Don't forget about the fantastic opportunities available to get involved. Each player who signs up for a qualification tournament can specify a referrer, or someone who signed them up for the tournament. Whoever it is that is the referrer, whether it be an IPT Player, Room Owner, Tour Operator, Pool League, Pre-Qualifier Host, or Individual, will receive a 10% commission of the entry fee (a $1000 entry equals a $100 commission and a $500 entry fee equals a $50 commission) AND a bonus amount equaling 10% of the prize money won by that player in the tournament in which they qualified to play. So if you sign up a player (you or your business must be listed on the entry form) for a qualifier and he ends up winning the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship and the $350,000 first prize, you will receive 10% of the entry fee for signing him up and a $35,000 bonus (10% of the prize money won)! Even if the player comes in last place, you would receive 10% of the entry fee for signing the player up for the qualifier and $200 more because last place in the tournament pays $2000 (10% of the prize money won)! Obviously, the more players you sign up, the better the chance you will have to make serious money. Simply print out a copy of the entry form and schedule which can be downloaded by clicking here. Make sure to print your name or business name (tour name, league name, etc.) and a way to contact you on the form as the referrer. Make photocopies of the form and distribute to potential players. IPT to Premiere on OLN The International Pool Tour has secured a major television package to air IPT's action-packed "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" series on OLN. The network will carry the six IPT shows in prime time, with the first show set to premiere at 7 p.m. ET on Sunday, June 4. The International Pool Tour's "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" features the world's greatest players competing for more than $1 million in prize money, by far the biggest purse ever offered in pool. The series will be shown on OLN over six consecutive Sundays, culminating in a two-hour finale on Sunday, July 9. Click here for the IPT TV schedule. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com
Major deal with Eurosport Gives Pool its Biggest Live Platform Ever FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE London UK (May 31st, 2006): The International Pool Tour has announced the most comprehensive live broadcast rights package in the history of the sport with its newly-minted deal with Eurosport, the leading tv sports network and multimedia platform throughout Europe. Eurosport and British Eurosport will show live, prime-time coverage of every round of all major IPT events in 2006. The Pan-European network will also air a number of produced IPT highlights programs, including the recent “King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout.” Plans call for approximately two hours nightly of live coverage. The announcement was made by IPT Founder Kevin Trudeau at a major press conference held today at the Hard Rock Café in London. The press event was attended by most of the major UK media, as well as a number of IPT players such as snooker legend Ronnie O’Sullivan, Gerda Hofstatter, Nick Van den Berg, Vincent Facquet, and a number of other players from the UK. The Hard Rock Café cleared out their main dining room to make room for the pool table, reporters, and television cameras. For pictures of the press conference, please visit www.internationalpooltour.com. Eurosport, the first pan-European sports channel created in 1989, is now available in 19 different languages, reaches over 107 million homes and over 240 million viewers across 54 countries. British Eurosport, which will also provide live coverage of the IPT, is the most widely available sports channel in the UK, reaching over 10 million homes. “Eurosport is proud and excited to welcome the International Pool Tour to our line-up of prestigious, world-class sports and sporting events,’ said Arnaud Simon, Eurosport’s Head of Programs. “The IPT clearly is the leader in worldwide pool and we believe our commitment to air its major events live will generate a huge amount of interest in both the sport and its players all across Europe.” The International Pool Tour joins other major sports franchises on Eurosport including the Winter & Summer Olympics, soccer’s World Cup, Grand Slam Tennis, The Tour De France cycling championship and other top sports organizations such as the PGA Tour. The comprehensive live coverage of the IPT will introduce 8-ball and pool to millions of sports fans in Germany, France, the Netherlands, Italy, the UK and across Europe. “This broadcast deal truly signals the emergence of 8-Ball as a major, world-class sport,” said IPT Founder Trudeau. “Eurosport has the most prestigious events and the best TV coverage and now sports fans throughout Europe can experience the live drama, pressure and excitement of the International Pool Tour.” The IPT, the pool world’s unrivaled leader in both quality of play and prize money, features the world’s most acclaimed players, including many from Europe such as Germany’s Thorsten Hohmann and Ralf Soquet, Finland’s Mika Immonen, Austria’s Gerda Hofstatter, Nick Van Den Berg and Neils Feijin of the Netherlands, the UK’s Raj Hundal and British snooker stars O’Sullivan and Jimmy White, amongst many others. For the complete IPT player roster, click here. The first live IPT event to be aired on Eurosport will be the North American 8-Ball Open Championship held at the Venetian Hotel in Las Vegas from July 22nd-July 30th. Players will be competing for $2 million, the largest prize money in the sport’s history. For the complete IPT schedule, including tournament formats and prize money payouts, visit www.internationalpooltour.com. IPT Executive Director Jon Denny promises unprecedented and exciting production value on the live broadcasts. “Simply put,” said Denny, “No other cue sport will match it.” Other major worldwide broadcast deals are expected to be announced shortly by IPT officials. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com
International Pool Tour News and Updates
The International Pool Tour congratulates the following players for qualifying to play in the "IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship" starting July 22nd, 2006 at the Venetian, Las Vegas: Floyd Barger Tomoki Mekari Steeve Moore Sam Monday Greg Hogue Jim Weast Larry Nevel Marco Marquez After placing first or second in their respective qualifiers, these players will be playing for more than $2,000,000 in prize money and a first place prize of $350,000, as well as a place on the Money List! Doing well in the North American Open could result in being in the top 100 on the Money List at the end of 2006, thus qualifying for a 2007 Tour Card. A 2007 Tour Card is worth a minimum of $100,000, click here for details. At the North American Open, these players are each guaranteed a minimum of $2,000 for qualifying and playing, even if they fail to win a single game. These players stepped up and won their way into an IPT event in the first week of qualification tournaments. The good news is that there are still twenty events remaining over the next four weeks. This weekend's qualification tournaments are being held in the following cities: Seattle, Boardman (OH), Frederick (MD), Pratteln (Switzerland), Toronto (Canada). Click here to see the full schedule of qualification events for the North American Open. Click here to view tournament results from the qualification events that concluded last weekend. The IPT Qualification System is the best method for populating major tournaments because it weeds all those who don't think that they can succeed, while rewarding those who believe in themselves. Most of the players who took the risk to enter these qualification tournaments have now been rewarded. Remember, the top two players in each tournament qualify for the North American Open. The next four players, third through sixth place finishers, each earn a free entry fee to another qualifier. And four players who place seventh or lower will have a chance to play against an IPT Pro for a free entry fee in another qualifier. This system really is the only true "open" system in which any player, man, woman, or child, can enter and win a place on this historic tour. So if you were thinking about playing and missed your chance this week, you can still sign up for the remaining qualifiers at www.internationalpooltour.com. Don't miss out on this fantastic opportunity. International Pool Tour Television News IPT to Premiere on OLN The International Pool Tour has secured a major television package to air IPT's action-packed "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" series on OLN. The network will carry the six IPT shows in prime time, with the first show set to premiere at 7 p.m. ET on Sunday, June 4. The International Pool Tour's "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" features the world's greatest players competing for more than $1 million in prize money, by far the biggest purse ever offered in pool. The series will be shown on OLN over six consecutive Sundays, culminating in a two-hour finale on Sunday, July 9. Click here for the IPT TV schedule. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com
Major Press Conference Set for Wednesday May 31st in London London, UK (May 27, 2006): International Pool Tour executives, including founder Kevin Trudeau, will be joined by snooker legend and IPT player Ronnie O’Sullivan and other top Tour players at a major press conference to be held Wednesday May 31st in London. The event, at the Hard Rock Café in central London, is already being called the biggest press conference in the history of pool, with dozens of representatives of major UK and European newspapers, magazines and tv networks expected to attend. Trudeau, along with IPT Executive Director Jon Denny and IPT Tour Director Deno Andrews, is expected to make several major announcements about the global television deals that have been signed by the Tour, including unprecedented live coverage of all 2006 events. The entire 2006 schedule, including prize funds and tournament formats, is listed at www.internationalpooltour.com. Other exciting news about the International Pool Tour will be announced. In addition to O’Sullivan, other top International Pool Tour players scheduled to attend the media event include Raj Hundal of the UK, Neils Feijin and Nick Van Den Berg of the Netherlands, France’s Vincent Facquet and Gerda Hofstatter, originally from Austria, amongst others. The UK press conference has been organized by Pitch P.R., the IPT’s London-based media relations and sports marketing firm. Pitch P.R is backed by Freud Communications, one of Europe’s leading PR agencies. Other Important IPT News: IPT to Premiere on OLN - If you haven't yet read the press release, we are happy to announce that The International Pool Tour, the richest professional pool tour in the world, has secured a major television package to air IPT's action-packed "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" series on OLN. The network will carry the six IPT shows in prime time, with the first show set to premiere at 7 p.m. ET on Sunday, June 4. The International Pool Tour's "King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout" features the world's greatest players competing for more than $1 million in prize money, by far the biggest purse ever offered in pool. The series will be shown on OLN over six consecutive Sundays, culminating in a two-hour finale on Sunday, July 9. Click here for IPT TV schedule, and click here to read the press release. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com
でもPコード番号が分からず少々悪戦苦闘を(^^;) Pコード 一日券 807-807 通券 679-933 もし皆さんの中にチケット購入される方がおられましたら、 上記番号を控えて、チケットぴあへ行ってください。 日時:2006年6月9日(金)~11日(日) 10:00~22:00(予定) 会場:サンビリ荻窪店(JR中央線 荻窪駅 徒歩2分) 住所:東京都杉並区上荻1-16-16 ユアビルI 7F TEL:03‐5349‐8303 フォーマット ルールはIPTオフィシャルルールに基づいて行います。 エイトボール 10ゲーム先取 Wイリミネーション 勝者ブレイク(ブレイクボックスあり) 2名が7月22日~30日アメリカ(ラスベガス)で行われる、 IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship本戦へ出場できます。 観 戦 入場料:1日/前売り\2,000 当日\2,500 チケットぴあ 3日間通券 \5,000 5月26日発売開始 Pコード 一日券 807-807 通券 679-933 ※あくまでもこれは観戦チケットであって、予選出場とは関係ありません!
Tournament 1
IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship Prize Money: $2,000,000 Players: 200 - (150 Tour Members, 50 Qualifiers) Dates: July 22 - 30, 2006 Location: The Venetian in Las Vegas, Nevada Entry Fee: Tour Member: $199.00 Non-Tour Member: $1000.00 Mr.Tomoki Mekari、銘苅 朝樹プロ 本選出場おめでとう御座います。 ラスベガスで頑張って下さい。日本のプレイヤーに夢と勇気を!(^_^)v International Pool Tour News and Updates: The International Pool Tour is proud to announce that the first day of nation-wide competition has concluded. In Cleveland, the Tournament Director there decided to finish the tournament in one day, so the International Pool Tour congratulates the first two players to qualify for the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship: Floyd Barger and Tomoki Mekari. These two fantastic players will be playing for more than $2,000,000 in prize money and a first place prize of $350,000! They are each guaranteed a minimum of $2,000 for qualifying and playing in the North American Open. The tournament from which they advanced drew six competitors including WPBA Pro Jeanette Lee. The four players who did not qualify in the Cleveland event will each receive a free entry fee into a qualifier of their choice for placing third through sixth place. Visit www.internationalpooltour.com for tournament details. The tournament in Chicago (NA#5) saw its fair share of competition. There were twelve players including pool legend Jimmy Mataya, and top Midwestern players Marco Marquez, Tom Spencer, and Larry Nevel. Pro Tyme billiards owner Ed Hillar instituted a spectator dress code. He and his head referee, dressed in tuxedos, welcomed IPT Staff who visited the qualifier this morning. Still undefeated and playing tomorrow in the no-loss final match are Marco Marquez and Larry Nevel. View tournament results, pictures, and stories from this event on www.internationalpooltour.com. Jillian's in Raleigh, NC (NA#2) hosted ten players. Steve Moore and Sam Monday are the only two undefeated players and will be playing Saturday for the first of two spots in the "IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship." Notable players who remain on the one loss side include Louis Ulrich and Gary Abood. The four players who have been eliminated will play off on Saturday against pool legend and IPT Pro Grady Mathews. Challengers who beat Mathews will earn a free entry into a qualification tournament of their choice. All remaining players in the tournament who don't qualify will automatically win a free entry into a qualifier of their choice. Visit www.internationalpooltour.com for details about the tournament and challenge matches. Magoo's in Tulsa, Oklahoma (NA#3) will kick off tournament play on Saturday morning. Eight players will compete in Tulsa. The top two players will join their colleagues in the North American Open. Third through sixth place finishers receive a free entry into a qualification tournament of their choice. The remaining two players will challenge IPT Pro Jim Raney for free entries, or $1000 per match for Raney! Follow the action at www.internationalpooltour.com. The Las Vegas Cue Club (NA#4) drew seventeen players including notorious players Ron Allen, Danny Medina, and Santos Sambajon. This fantastic field of players also includes Oscar Dominguez, son of IPT Pro Ernesto Dominguez. Four of the players who do not qualify or place 3rd-6th will challenge IPT Pro John Kutcher. Check out www.internationalpooltour.com to see who will qualify for the NA Open. The IPT Qualification System is the best method for populating major tournaments because it weeds all those who don't think that they can succeed, while rewarding those who believe in themselves. Most of the players who took the risk to enter these qualification tournaments are now being rewarded. Remember, the top two players in each tournament qualify for the North American Open. The next four players, third through sixth place finishers, each earn a free entry fee to another qualifier. And four players who place seventh or lower will have a chance to play against an IPT Pro for a free entry fee in another qualifier. This system really is the only true “open” system in which any player, man, woman, or child, can enter and win a place on this historic tour. So if you were thinking about playing and missed your chance this week, you can still sign up for the remaining qualifiers at www.internationalpooltour.com. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity. International Pool Tour Television News: IPT to Premiere on OLN- The International Pool Tour has secured a major television package to air IPT’s action-packed “King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout” series on OLN. The network will carry the six IPT shows in prime time, with the first show set to premiere at 7 p.m. ET on Sunday, June 4. The International Pool Tour’s “King of the Hill 8-Ball Shootout” features the world’s greatest players competing for more than $1 million in prize money, by far the biggest purse ever offered in pool. The series will be shown on OLN over six consecutive Sundays, culminating in a two-hour finale on Sunday, July 9. Click here for the IPT TV schedule. Other Important News- The IPT will be hosting a live Press Conference Wednesday, May 31, 2006, in London, England at the Hard Rock Café. During this celebrity-clad Press Conference, we will be announcing our contracts detailing unprecedented live television coverage of the entire 2006 IPT Tour! We will also be making another major announcement that will rock the billiard world. These press releases, with all the details of these exciting announcements, will be sent to everyone on the email list. So if you haven't yet signed up for email updates, you can do so now at www.internationalpooltour.com. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com
磯本さんのお力で日本予選に簡単に出場出来るようになりました。 コスモさんへ直接申し込めば、日本語でかつ銀行振り込みにて予選に出場出来ます(6月9日~東京にて開催)。 120,000円コースか60,000円コースか? 腕に自信のある方は是非チャレンジを! 100万ドルプレーヤーも夢ではありません(^^;) 詳しくはココをクリックして下さい。 もし腕に自信があって出たいけど…の方はご連絡をお待ちします。 賞金の15%くらいで手を打ちますよ(^_^)v 勿論、タッドマニアとの厳しい予選にパスしなければ逝けませんがね! ↑ ある意味日本予選の2名に残るより困難かも?
International Pool Tour News and Updates:
The International Pool Tour is proud to announce that the first five qualification tournaments for the "IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship" are now closed and will be underway in just several hours. By the end of the weekend, there will be ten players who will have won entry into the North American Open, and a minimum of $2000 in prize money! They will be playing for more than $2,000,000 in prize money and a $350,000 first place prize! The players who stepped up to compete are incredibly excited for this opportunity to play on the biggest tour in the history of the sport. What's even greater is that these tournaments are spread over a wide geography, which will allow a lot of local talent their shot on the IPT. Players who compete in qualification tournaments have such a great chance to do well. The top two players in each event will move on to play in the North American Open. The next four players will each receive a free entry into another qualification tournament of their choice. Of the remaining players who don't place in the top six of the qualifier, four of them will have a chance to play an IPT Pro in a challenge match. If the player beats the IPT Pro, they win a free entry fee into another qualifier. If the IPT Pro wins, he or she wins $1000. Here is a breakdown of the first five qualification tournaments starting tomorrow: NA#1 Jillian's, Cleveland Heights- This tournament has six players who entered this tournament. They will compete on Friday May 26, 2006. Two of these six players will play in the IPT North American Open and win a minimum of $2000. One of the players is a very well known player. Visit www.internationalpooltour.com for details. Players are already kicking themselves for not entering this tournament! NA#2 Jillian's, Raleigh, NC- Ten players face off in the Southeast for their chance to play on the IPT. Two of them will win a minimum of $2000 in the North American Open. The next four automatically win free entries to another qualifier. And the remaining four players will play challenge matches against IPT Pro Player and pool legend Grady Mathews. Each challenger who beats Grady will receive a free entry into another qualifier. However, Grady will be trying to win $1000 per match for his victories. Visit www.internationalpooltour.com for details about the tournament and challenge matches. NA#3 Magoo's, Tulsa OK- Only eight players will play off in Tulsa starting Saturday May 27, 2006. Naturally, the top two will join their colleagues in the North American Open. Third through sixth place finishers receive a free entry into a qualification tournament of their choice. The remaining two players will challenge IPT Pro Jim Raney for free entries, or $1000 per match for Raney! Follow the action at www.internationalpooltour.com. NA#4 Las Vegas Cue Club, Las Vegas, NV- Seventeen players, including some legendary names, entered this event. This fantastic field of players is impossible to predict. Four of the players who do not qualify or place 3rd-6th will challenge IPT Pro John Kutcher. Check out www.internationalpooltour.com to see who will qualify for the NA Open. NA#5 Pro Tyme Billiards, Chicago, IL- This Chicago area tournament will host ten players including a famous name of the near past and several other notorious players. Of course, two will qualify for the North American Open and a minimum of $2000 each in prize money. Third through sixth place finishers receive a free entry into a qualification tournament of their choice. Finally, all the remaining players in the tournament will try their luck against IPT Pro Jackie Broadhurst. Beating Jackie wins a challenger a free entry fee to another qualifier. However, she will be trying her best to win $1000 per match for her wins! Be sure to follow the action at www.internationalpooltour.com. IPT Founder Kevin Trudeau is so excited and happy for the players competing this weekend. Kevin stated earlier that "this is exactly what these tournaments are supposed to be- local talent stepping up and winning their way onto the IPT." He also said that "now is the best time to sign up and play in qualification tournaments." There are many professional events going on throughout the country these next few weeks, which means that there may never be a better opportunity to qualify to play on the IPT. Those players who took the risk to enter these qualification tournaments are now all being rewarded with excellent chances to win big. This is the perfect qualification system because it weeds all those who don't think that they can succeed, while rewarding those who believe in themselves. This system is the only true “open” system in which any player, man, woman, or child, can enter and win a place on this historic tour. So if you were thinking about playing and missed your chance this week, you can sign up now for the remaining qualifiers at www.internationalpooltour.com. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity. Other Important News- The IPT will be hosting a live Press Conference Wednesday, May 31, 2006, in London, England at the Hard Rock Café. During this celebrity-clad Press Conference, we will be announcing our contracts detailing unprecedented live television coverage of the entire 2006 IPT Tour! We will also be making another major announcement that will rock the billiard world. These press releases, with all the details of these exciting announcements, will be sent to everyone on the email list. So if you haven't yet signed up for email updates, you can do so now at www.internationalpooltour.com. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com
なんと勇み足だったかも!?(^^;) またまたカモられちった。 やっぱり、新羅紗は気持ちいいですね! こう言うとなんですが、漫画喫茶で羅紗の手入れを頻繁にされてるのには驚きです。 純玉屋でもそうそう新羅紗は…ですよね。時楽さんを見習って欲しいものです。 シモニスやニッケなど色々張ってあるのでグッドですよ。 僕は基本的にニッケ(日本毛織)の羅紗が好きです。 最近はシモニスのお店が多いですけどね! スーパーガリオン(1台定価120万円)にニッケの新羅紗が…懐かしい ↑ おっさんやね! スーパーガリオンの石版は大理石でした。 ブランズウィックはスレートですね。 どちらにしても腕が悪い僕には関係ありませんが(^^;) 流石、日勝亭さん。 手際よく、しっかり調整されてました。 お兄ちゃん二人におっさん一人でしたが、おっさんの方の職人さんは、 僕がアルバイトしてたプールバーの張り替えにも来てたから、 いったい勤続年数は何年?なんだろう? 今の日勝亭社長を専務と呼んでた頃から… というより、俺は何年ビリヤード業界に…おっさんがおっさんにおっさんと(-_-) もうじきウオーキングディクショナリーだな!間違いなく。 ↑ 新羅紗の加減はこんなモンです(^_^)v クリックして画像をご覧下さい! (A級1班コダセイさん生出演、実況はタッドマニアでお送りいたします)
International Pool Tour News and Updates:
The first five tournaments of the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship Qualification System get underway starting Friday May 26, 2006. Entry to the first weekend events will be cut off some time on Thursday, May 25th. So if you are close to Cleveland, Raleigh (NC), Tulsa, Las Vegas, or Chicago, this is your last chance to enter one of these events. Entry fees must be paid in advanced. Absolutely no entry fees will be accepted at the door regardless of the number of players. Click here to visit the qualifier schedule for the remaining tournaments being held in the U.S. and abroad. You can also register on line at www.internationalpooltour.com or by calling the IPT at (847) 439-3438 during business hours (CST). Coming in first or second in the qualifier earns you entry into the IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship. Over $2 million dollars in prize money will be given away at the North American Open. First place is $350,000. More importantly, last place is $2000...even if you don't make a single ball! Also, any non-IPT member who places in the top six in the IPT North American 8-Ball Open Championship will earn automatic invitations to play in the 2006 IPT Players Championship and IPT Masters Championship. Over $5 million in prize money will be given away at these two championships. For the complete payout schedules, click here. There are two entry fee levels for qualification tournaments. A full entry fee is $1000. All winnings earned at this entry fee level will count towards the top 100 Money List which wins you a 2007 IPT Player's Card. All 2007 IPT players are guaranteed $100,000! For more information on how this is earned, click here. The second entry fee level is $500. If you enter a qualifying tournament at the $500 entry fee level and come in first or second, you still are entered into the IPT N.A. 8-Ball Open Championship. However, you will only receive 50% of any prize money you win. Your prize money will not count towards the money list. If you place in the top six in the North American Open, you will still be invited to the IPT Masters and the IPT Players Championships. If you choose this $500 entry fee level, you will only receive 50% of any prize money you win. This qualifying system is designed to allow players from all over the world to enter tournaments without huge travel expenses and costs. It is also designed to weed out players who know that they have no chance in the tournaments. Finally, don't forget about the fantastic opportunities available to get involved. Each player who signs up for a qualification tournament can specify a referrer, or someone who signed them up for the tournament. Whoever it is that is the referrer, whether it be an IPT Player, Room Owner, Tour Operator, Pool League, Pre-Qualifier Host, or Individual, will receive a 10% commission of the entry fee (a $1000 entry equals a $100 commission and a $500 entry fee equals a $50 commission) AND a bonus amount equaling 10% of the prize money won by that player in the tournament in which they qualified to play. So if you sign up a player (you or your business must be listed on the entry form) for a qualifier and he ends up winning the IPT North American Open 8-Ball Championship and the $350,000 first prize, you will receive 10% of the entry fee for signing him up and a $35,000 bonus (10% of the prize money won)! Even if the player comes in last place, you would receive 10% of the entry fee for signing the player up for the qualifier and $200 more because last place in the tournament pays $2000 (10% of the prize money won)! Obviously, the more players you sign up, the better the chance you will have to make serious money. Simply print out a copy of the entry form and schedule which can be downloaded by clicking here. Make sure to print your name or business name (tour name, league name, etc.) and a way to contact you on the form as the referrer. Make photocopies of the form and distribute to potential players. Best regards, Deno J. Andrews Tour Director, International Pool Tour www.internationalpooltour.com |
TADマニア(タッド・キュー TAD Cue)
かれこれ約20年ビリヤードとの縁があります。と言っても20年間やってた訳では無く、 何年かやれば何年か休むの繰り返しで、 (^_^;)万年B級戦士です。 何とか勝率を上げるべく、 技術では無理なのでキューに頼ってみては如何なものかと考えたのです。 本気でオリンピック金メダリストを目指して! 史上最年長メダリストの夢は何年後のオリンピックか? ブログへのご意見お待ちしております。 「Pool」 ポケットがないと溜まらない。 「Players」 人々… うーん ポケットが有ると堪らない人々… 「PoolPlayers」(´∀`) ↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) マイミク宜しく! 勿論「TAD Mania」です TADマニア リンクフリーです(このバナーをダウンロードしてご使用下さい)
↑ビリヤード好きが集まるSNS↑ 是非、皆さんご登録を! マイフレンドに宜しくね(^_^) ↑ IPT8ボール公式ルール ↑ IPT公式ホームページ ボウラードネットを登録する方は パケ放題にした方が…Good! ボウラードネットQRコード CS会員の皆さん参加しよう
↑ Billicket・ビリケット用紙 (右クリックで画像を保存して下さい) ビリケットの概要 ↑ ★大阪で産声を上げた新ゲーム! ◎BILLICKET・ビリケットの誕生秘話 ↑ プライベイトキューの盗難情報 ↑ こんなワッペンは?どうかな